
  • Allgemeines

  • Database Of Online Resources Maintained by the community

    This unit includes a listing of resources online (URL = link). A joint effort by the community to add, review and maintain a list of URLs (Universal resource locator), commonly know as internet addresses. The idea is to keep this database live and organised as much as possible. 

    Usage is very simple. At the URLs activity link at the bottom, you can browse or search and follow links if you are looking for something. There are 4 tabs (only if you access as a registered user):

    • View List: allows browsing and listing all the URLs in batches
    • View Single: shows an individual URL record
    • Search: allows to search for any string in the database
    • Add Entry: If you wish to add a new URL, rate them or comment, etc (this option is available only if you are registered in this website)
    While displaying records, at the bottom of each record you may find a set of icons. In most of the records, a small magnifier icon allows to rate the URL from 0 (less useful) to 10 (very useful). 

    If you are browsing your own records, you cannot rate them, but you can modify them. A small gear icon allows to modify the record (you only can modify your own records but not to delete them, you can mark your records for deletion by stating the Quality field value to  "to be deleted"). 

    Please browse a good number of records before you decide to add anything new, to get an idea. When you feel there is an interesting URL is worth adding to the database, before doing so, please Search First (maybe is already in the listing). Note your records are not available immediately for public access, they have to be approved first by the LLOOF team.

    The quality of the URLs it is being assessed at this time, hence the Quality field possible values:

    • peer review (need to be checked by someone)
    • 1 high quality
    • 2 good 
    • 3 not very good
    • to be deleted

    You can help to review the quality by rating any URL, but yours. Please note you are rating the resource linked (not the comments in these records), which will be assessed by subject matter experts or alike.

    • Database of URLs related to organic farming, sustainability and other wider issues at WWOOF