Biodynamic agriculture was the first ecological farming system to arise in response to commercial fertilisers and specialized agriculture after the turn of the century, yet it remains largely unknown. A basic ecological principle of biodynamics is to conceive of the farm as an organism, a self-contained entity. 


  • While biodynamics parallels organic farming in many ways, especially with regard to cultural and biological farming practices it is set apart from other agroecology systems by its association with the spiritual science of anthroposophy. This was founded by Rudolf Steiner with its emphasis on farming practices: 
  • to achieve balance between the physical and higher, non-physical realms
  • to acknowledge the influence of cosmic and terrestrial forces
  • to enrich the farm, its products, and its inhabitants with life energy

Biodynamics is a combination of biological practices including a series of well-known organic farming techniques that improve soil health, and dynamic practices. These are intended to influence biological as well as metaphysical aspects of the farm (such as increasing vital life force), or to adapt the farm to natural rhythms (such as planting seeds during certain lunar phases). The concept of dynamic practice like vitality, life force, ki, subtle energy and related concepts is in common with many systems of alternative and complementary medicine. 

  • Biological Practices - Green manures, Cover cropping,  Composting, Companion planting, Integration of crops and livestock, Tillage and cultivation.
  • Dynamic practices - Planting by calendar, Peppering for pest control, Homeopathy, Radionics, Special compost preparations, Special foliar sprays.

Biodynamic farmers follow a spiritual methodology in conjunction with other organic techniques to keep farms sustainable and self-nourishing, as outlined by Rudolf Steiner.  The farm is seen as its own closed-loop ecosystem, in tune with the rhythm of nature, such as how the phase of the moon may impact when it's best to plant seeds and how the planets affect plant growth – extensive research has produced the Biodynamic Calendar which indicates the best days for planting crops according to what needs to be harvested from them.  For example, as the tides are affected by the phases of the moon, so is the moisture in plants, making sowing seeds for leaf production more advantageous as the moon is waxing and for root cropping as the moon is waning. 

Demeter, a certification programme for biodynamically grown foods, was established in 1928. As such, Demeter was the first ecological label for organically produced foods.


The Biodynamic Association Http://

Biodynamic Agricultural College


What is biodynamic agriculture?

Biodynamic farming and compost preparation

Biodynamic farming – compost preparations


Biodynamic agriculture interviews for the film The Challenge of Rudolf Steiner. 52 mins.