Agroecology is a system of agriculture and land management that looks to natural ecosystems and ecological principles to inform its agricultural practice and feeds the soil to feed the plant. It is a practice, a science and a social movement. It is not just a science as it includes the local knowledge and experience of food producers, especially women, as well as the struggle of social movements for a more just and sustainable world. 

Like food sovereignty, agroecology is a concept that that integrates the ecological, financial and political issues faced by small-scale food growers. It values traditional peasant farming systems, as well as new ecological management practices.


  • It recycles soil fertility and optimises available soil nutrients. It improves soil conditions for plant growth by managing organic matter, improving soil structure, cultivating ground cover, and enriching soil organisms. 
  • It uses renewable and on-farm resources, such as nitrogen fixation and renewable energy. 
  • It produces minimal pollutants such as greenhouse gases and nitrates.
  • It minimises the loss of resources by managing the soil, water and microclimate. It conserves soil, water, energy and genetic resources.
  • It diversifies local landscapes, habitats and economies.
  • It empowers local people.
  • It adapts to local environments and ecosystems.
  • It promotes biodiversity and productive biological systems. It values the health of ecosystems, people and living organisms.


Nyeleni Newsletter 

Agroecology Alliance

Campaign for Real Farming


The Nyeleni Declaration -International Forum for Agroecology


Agroecology – Vision, Practice, Movement: Voices From Social Movements