Author´s entry Last Name:

URL: http://ekologistakmartxan.com
Country: Spain
Mainly in Eskuara/Basque Language

Ekologistak Martxan somos una asociación de personas, que compartimos una visión similar sobre los problemas ambientales que vivimos en Euskal Herria.

Formamos parte del ecologismo social, esto es, aquel que entiende que el origen de los problemas ambientales está en la forma de producción y consumo, cada vez más globalizado y del que se derivan otros problemas sociales: relaciones Norte-Sur, la desigualdad social en nuestra sociedad…

  • Realizamos campañas de sensibilización, denuncias públicas o legales contra aquellas actuaciones que dañan el medio ambiente, a la vez que elaboramos alternativas concretas y viables en cada uno de los ámbitos en los que desarrollamos nuestra actividad.
  • Somos una organización plural, asamblearia, e independiente de cualquier partido político, institución pública o privada realizando nuestra labor de forma voluntaria. Para hacer más eficaz nuestro trabajo y seguir garantizando nuestra independencia

Necesitamos de tu ayuda y de tu participación

Cost: Free
Quality: 3 not very good
Language: Spanish

URL: http://www.gasap.be/
Country: Belgium
A GASAP is a group of citizens who associate directly with a peasant farmer to buy a regular and long-term, and short-circuit, sustenance as seasonal products. This may be vegetables, but also fruits, cheese, etc.
Cost: Free
Quality: 3 not very good
Language: Multilingual

URL: http://www.gidahareketi.org
Country: Turkey
Official site and blog of Food Safety Movement Association
Quality: 2 good
Language: Turkish

URL: http://www.globalseed.info/en/index.php
Country: Serbia
Website of a company that grows organic crops and rear organic cattle, manufactures organic feeds for ruminant livestock, and produces renewable energy.
No useful information.
Quality: 3 not very good
Language: Serbian

URL: http://en.ekopedia.org/Main_Page
Country: *Global
Ekopedia is a free (Creative Commons), collaborative (wiki), and multilingual encyclopedia project dedicated in providing answers and spreading practical knowledge related to environmental sustainability. Our goal is to help everyone become more independent and establish the foundation necessary to build a better world.

Created in Quebec in December 2002 under the name of Newlimits.org, the project was initially in French and under Free Art License. It was using TWiki wiki application for collaborative edition and in 2004, community decided to migrate to MediaWiki.

The project got over 1000 articles December, 10 2006[1]. In February 2007, English[2] and Esperanto[3] Projects were created. Italian[4], German[5] and Polish[6] were created in February and March 2008 and the Spanish[7] in November 2008. Ekopedia has about 2500 articles (> 1 800 in French).

The Ekopedia Foundation was created in September 19, 2007[8]

In april 2009, Ekopedia has migrate all its contents from Free Art License to Creative Commons (CC-BY-SA-3.0)[9] in order to facilitate content sharing with other projects like Wikipedia, and Appropedia.

Cost: Free OpenSource
Quality: 1 high quality
Language: Multilingual

URL: http://www.elhuertourbano.net/
Country: Spain
La web Elhuertourbano.net es una revista on-line elaborara y gestionada por Condelmed, S.L. Orientada como guía práctica de agricultura tradicional y ecológica para cultivar frutas, hortalizas y plantas aromáticas en el huerto urbano de campo, del jardín, balcón o terraza de su casa.El equipo gestor está formado por técnicos hortofrutícolas, profesionales de la comunicación y expertos en Posicionamiento en buscadores.
Cost: Free
Quality: 2 good
Language: Spanish

URL: http://www.terrapretaprogram.org/
Country: Netherlands
“Terra preta” (black soils in Portuguese) are fertile anthropogenic soils found in the Amazon basin. They are recognized by abundant presence of charcoal resulting in their dark color, high amounts of phosphorus and calcium, and signs of human influence (e.g. high quantities of pottery sherds). These soils are also known as Amazonian Dark Earth (ADE), "Terra Preta do Indio" (in Portuguese) or "tierras negras" (in Spanish).
These soils are remnants of ancient, pre-Columbian societies and were generally created between 3000 and 500 years BP, with the earliest report being 5000 years BP (Meggers & Miller, 2006). These soils were abandoned after the European colonization (Smith, 1980; Woods et al. 2000), probably because Amerindian populations declined by 90 percent within 100 yr after European contact (Hemming 1978). It has been (conservatively) estimated that terra preta currently cover 0.1-0.3% of the Amazon area. The recent estimate by Sombroek et al. (2003) is an order of magnitude higher, reaching 1%. On the other hand, the estimates done by Balée (1989) are much higher: he suggested that Amerindian agriculture, forest and soil management had significantly modified as much as 12% of the Amazon basin.
Cost: Free
Quality: 3 not very good
Language: English

URL: http://www.granjaonline.es/
Country: Spain
Forum about farm animals

Cost: free
Quality: 3 not very good
Language: Spanish

URL: http://www.green-in-berlin.de/
Country: Germany
Green In Berlin is an online platform for Berlin, New Berlin and Berlin tourists that shows eco-friendly alternatives for all areas of life.
Cost: free
Quality: 2 good
Language: German

URL: http://www.foodnotlawns.com/
Country: United States
Food Not Lawns was founded in Eugene, Oregon in 1999 by a small group of activists who had been cooking Food Not Bombs (free meals in the park) for several years and decided to start gardening too. 
Quality: 2 good
Language: English