Author´s entry Last Name:

URL: http://agniculture.weebly.com/
Country: Germany
A website about forgotten and suppressed Methods in Agriculture & Horticulture, tips and help for the day to day problems in the garden and the rest of life.
Cost: Free
Quality: 2 good
Language: German

URL: http://agricolturabiodinamica.it
Country: Italy
The premier site in Italy for biodynamic farming, website currently in development. 
Cost: Unknown
Quality: 3 not very good
Language: Italian

URL: http://agricolturanaturale.it
Country: Italy
This website aims to provide information on the philosophy and practice of 'natural farming, a method of growing and at the same time a spiritual journey inspired by Masanobu Fukuoka, philosopher, poet and farmer. Its purpose and 'promote something that people need to learn to do and then avoid being dependent on others, of course excludes want to proclaim a new guru or a new religion.
Quality: 3 not very good
Language: Italian

URL: http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piante_officinali_spontanee
Country: Italy
List of medicinal plants spontaneous subject to the provisions of the law January 6, 1931 n. 99., indicated by the Royal Decree No. 772, May 26, 1932 [1]These plants included in the official pharmacopoeia and therefore, theoretically, pharmacies should have in assortment. The list has been revised several times since 1932 to today, especially to exclude certain items, in turn replaced by drugs more easily available and storable. Very different is the assortment available in health food that reflects popular uses and excludes strictly poisonous plants in this list are nine.
Cost: Free
Quality: 3 not very good
Language: Italian

URL: http://www.rtve.es/television/escarabajo/
Country: Spain
  • Somos un programa dedicado al medioambiente y nos hacemos eco, en primer lugar, de los temas que atañen a este área... pero, también hay cuestiones que no podemos dejar pasar por alto y que extraemos para invitar a que todos reflexionemos un poco, nosotros mismos y quienes teneis la amabilidad de seguirnos a través de Facebook o de cualquier otro medio. 
Cost: Free but unsure of access without Spanish TV
Quality: 3 not very good
Language: Spanish

URL: http://www.fao.org/home/en/
Country: *Global

Achieving food security for all is at the heart of FAO's efforts – to make sure people have regular access to enough high-quality food to lead active, healthy lives. 

Our three main goals are: the eradication of hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition; the elimination of poverty and the driving forward of economic and social progress for all; and, the sustainable management and utilization of natural resources, including land, water, air, climate and genetic resources for the benefit of present and future generations.

Cost: Free
Quality: 3 not very good
Language: Multilingual

URL: http://farmarbeit.de
Country: *Global
 Farmarbeit.de, your information portal for farm work abroad. Whether Farmstay, Ranch Stay, Work and Travel, Agriculture and Travel, Working Holidays with horses, horses au pair Agri-Home, Farm and Ranch Vacations, agrotourism, WWOOF and volunteer projects in the field of ecological agriculture or in the riding therapy - here on Framarbeit.de you get comprehensive information and lots of exciting program or project proposals for your stay abroad on a farm or ranch.
Cost: Suspect there's a cost
Quality: 3 not very good
Language: German

URL: http://agriculture.gouv.fr/l-agriculture-biologique
Country: France
Organic farming (AB) is one of five official identification signs of quality and origin. It guarantees a quality attached to a mode of production that respects the environment and animal welfare.
Quality: 3 not very good
Language: French

URL: http://agro.biodiver.se/
Country: *Global
Our aim is to collect in one place anything we find on the internet that relates somehow to the notion of agricultural biodiversity (or agrobiodiversity, though we don’t particularly like the word), a big tent but one that the whole of humanity shelters beneath. If that helps others to find things of interest, so much the better.
Cost: Free
Quality: 1 high quality
Language: English