Author´s entry Last Name:

URL: http://www.nofamass.org/
Country: United States
Through education and advocacy NOFA/Mass promotes organic agriculture to expand the production and availability of nutritious food from living soil for the health of individuals, communities and the planet.
Contains valuable material about soil carbon restoration, community supported agriculture, and many other fundamental issues in Organic Farming
Cost: free
Quality: 1 high quality
Language: English

URL: Asociación de Agricultura Biodinámica en España
Country: Spain

Sus fines son promover, guiar y proteger el método agrícola biodinámico, sus prácticas y principios. Para ello, la Asociación apoya las publicaciones y la comunicación, el asesoramiento, conferencias, cursillos, reuniones de los grupos regionales, el suministro de los preparados, etc. Ser miembro está abierto a cualquier persona con interés en promocionar actividades como las mencionadas.


 They have interesting material in spanish about biodinamic agriculture methodology, also organise courses in different farms.

Quality: 1 high quality
Language: Spanish

URL: Agecon Search
Country: *Global
AgEcon Search: Research in Agricultural and Applied Economics collects, indexes, and electronically distributes full text copies of scholarly research in the broadly defined field of agricultural and applied economics including sub disciplines such as agribusiness, food security and supply, energy and natural resource economics, environmental economics, policy issues, international trade, and economic development. Content includes conference presentations, working papers, journal articles, government documents, and theses and dissertations.

Fantastic free repository of articles, esssays...

AgEcon Search is a non-profit subject repository co-sponsored by the Department of Applied Economics and the University Libraries at University of Minnesota, operating with guidance from an international Advisory Board and partners including:

  • Agricultural and Applied Economics Association
  • Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society
  • European Association of Agricultural Economists
  • Farm Foundation
  • Giannini Foundation of Agricultural Economics
  • International Association of Agricultural Economists
  • USDA Economic Research Service

AgEcon Search serves as the permanent archive for this literature, providing stewardship, reliable long-term access, and broad dissemination of the digital scholarly and administrative works of agricultural and applied economics researchers worldwide.

Cost: free
Quality: 1 high quality
Language: Multilingual

URL: http://www.conecte.es
Country: Spain

CONECT-e (CONocimiento ECológico Tradicional) es una plataforma interactiva de recogida y transmisión de conocimientos tradicionales relativos a plantas, animales, hongos, variedades tradicionales de cultivos o ecosistemas. Esta plataforma aspira no sólo a ser un lugar de consulta, sino también un espacio de encuentro e intercambio. La plataforma CONECT-e presenta un formato wiki, con el objetivo de que cualquier persona pueda registrarse y compartir a través de la web los conocimientos y prácticas tradicionales que han adquirido de sus mayores hablando con ellos o viendo cómo los aplicaban en el día a día.

Esto responde a nuestra principal misión: conservar y difundir el conocimiento ecológico tradicional.


Una gran plataforma para compartir conocimientos sobre plantas y ecosistemas en España.

Quality: 1 high quality
Language: Spanish

URL: http://www.gardeningknowhow.com
Country: United States

North American site with lots of useful articles and questions about gardening answered by experts


Very interesting site with thousands of questions about nearly anything about gardening. Very comprehensive with many sections, articles, blogs,... recommended to stop by and look for info!

Quality: 1 high quality
Language: English

URL: https://agricology.co.uk/
Country: United Kingdom

Agricology is growing community of farmers and researchers sharing knowledge to work towards more resource efficient, resilient and profitable agricultural systems. We are a collaboration of over 20 of the UKs leading organisations working with sustainable agriculture led by the Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust, The Daylesford Foundation and the Organic Research Centre.


Agricology.co.uk brings together a library of resources on practical, sustainable farming with updates from the latest research and on-farm case studies. Monthly themes focus on seasonal topics, pulling together research and updates from the field and are shared in our monthly newsletter. Providing opportunity to share knowledge with other farmers at events in the field and joining the conversation on social media @agricology

Quality: 1 high quality
Language: English

URL: Composting for the homeowner
Country: United States

A good resource to learn about composting with several sections like history, science, methods, materials, benefits...


Lots of basic information about composting, a good combination of practice and explanations

Quality: to be deleted
Language: English