URL: http://ekologija.hr/news/
Country: Croatia
Language is Croation

 Free communication platform for cooperation and exchange of information on environmental protection, conservation and social justice. Our goal is to better organization and coordination of the activities of environmental associations of citizens and the development of stronger and more influential civil society.
This electronic information network establishes different types of interaction: a person with a person, a person with a group and the group with other groups. Instead hierarchy using the horizontal structure of governance in which all participants have the same access to network resources and the same opportunities for distributing articles written from different points of view.
This platform is primarily used by members of the member associations of the environmental network Green Forum, but is completely open and other active people of environmental civil society - professionals and amateurs, individuals and collectives, skilled communicators / cama and beginners in using the web.

Cost: Free
Quality: 2 good
Language: Unknown
entered by LLOOF Team.