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Carbon dioxide

Gas produced by living organisms as they utilize food to provide energy. Also produced through the burning of fossil fuels.


See worm castings.

Castings tea

A solution containing nutrients which dissolve in water in the presence of worm castings.


An inert compound containing carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen; a component of worm bedding. Cellulose is found in wood, cotton, hemp, and paper fibers.


To organize materials, organisms, or information based upon a defined set of characteristics.


The prevailing or average weather conditions of a place over a period of years.


A swollen region containing gland cells which secrete the cocoon materials. Sometimes called a girdle or band, it is present on sexually mature worms.


Structure formed by the clitellum which protects embryonic worms until they hatch.


Having blood that varies in temperature approximating that of the surrounding air, land, or water. Fishes, reptiles, and worms are cold- blooded animals.


Biological reduction of organic waste to humus. Used to refer to both the process and the end product. One composts (verb) leaves, manure, and garden residues to obtain compost (noun) which enhances soil texture and fertility when used in gardens.

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