Author´s entry Last Name:

URL: http://regenag.com/web/
Country: Australia
RegenAG® is a community based family enterprise committed to helping regenerate Australia's farms, soils, communities and on-farm livelihoods. RegenAG®’s charter is to provide farmers, land holders and communities with education and training opportunities to learn from the world’s most innovative and effective regenerative agriculture practitioners in a wide range of fields.
Quality: 2 good
Language: English

URL: http://barcelonalternativa.es/category/remedios-naturales/
Country: Spain
Tips for health through plants, food and improve some diseases naturally ...
Quality: 3 not very good
Language: Spanish

URL: http://renmat.no
Country: Norway
Norwegian certification body, writing about clean food 
Öikos is a certification body in Norway
Cost: none
Quality: 2 good
Language: Norwegian

URL: http://www.oneacrefund.org/about-us/the-leadership/
Country: United States
Andrew Youn started One Acre Fund in 2006. Andrew graduated from Yale magna cum laude, is a former management consultant, and received his MBA from Kellogg School of Management. Andrew co-founded the program in Kenya with John Gachunga, and now lives in Rwanda.

A Business Solution for Smallholder Farmers.

Smallholder farmers living in remote places need support in more than one area. We provide a complete set of services within walking distance of the farmers we serve. Our service bundle includes:

  1. Financing for farm inputs
  2. Distribution of seed and fertilizer
  3. Training on agricultural techniques
  4. Market facilitation to maximize profits from harvest sales

Farming is the dominant economic activity of the world’s poor. One Acre Fund makes that activity significantly more productive. We are growing as fast as possible to capture an incredible opportunity.

Perhaps not Organic, perhaps good model if tweaked to become organic?
Quality: 2 good
Language: English

URL: http://reporterre.net
Country: France
Earth report - Articles about ecology, travelling 
Cost: Can donate
Quality: 2 good
Language: French

URL: http://resilience.org
Country: United States
Energy, environment, Ecology, water,  food 

Resilience is a program of Post Carbon Institute, a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping the world transition away from fossil fuels and build sustainable, resilient communities. Content on this site is subject to our fair use notice.
Forum, blogg, Transition movement in the US? 
Cost: free, donate
Quality: 1 high quality
Language: English

URL: http://www.rhshumway.com
Country: United States
seed company
Seem to be organic seeds
Quality: 2 good
Language: English

URL: http://rie.ecovillage.org
Country: Spain

The RIE (Iberian Ecovillage Network) is the network that relates and connects:

-The different established Ecovillages from Spain and Portugal.
-The different projects that are wanting to create new Ecovillages.
-Some Different associations, networks, medias and institutions with similar objectives.
-Individuals who are living, searching, finding and expressing themselves in this world, respecting the planet & respecting the people.

In November 2001 was held in Madrid our Founding Assembly as RIE ( Iberian Ecovillage Network). From then until now our main objectives are:

• sharing information and resources among network members, other individuals or groups.
• dissemination of the concept of ecovillage and sustainable settlement
• facilitate rapprochement of people from towns and cities, they want to bet on these life forms.
. Helping diferents groups in their aim to buil their own community.
. Bridging our appropiate technologics or social solutions to the ,mainstream society.

Google map, lists a handful of eco-projects in Spain and Portugal.
Cost: free, donate
Quality: 2 good
Language: English

URL: http://www.rivercottage.net/
Country: United Kingdom
River Cottage is a former weekend and holiday home that was originally a game-keeper's lodge in the grounds of Slape Manor, Netherbury, Dorset. It featured in a number of television series presented by television chef Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall
Popular website informative about food and small scale farming
Cost: partly free sell products
Quality: 1 high quality
Language: English