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A segmented worm of the annelid group which contains some 3500 species. Most earthworms are terrestrial that is, they live in the ground. Earthworms have bristles known as setae which enable them to burrow in the soil. Earthworms help to aerate and enrich the soil.


The science of the interrelationships between living things and their surroundings.


A female sex cell capable of developing into an organism when fertilized by a sperm.

Egg case

See cocoon.

Eisenia fetida

Scientific name for one of several redworm species used for vermicomposting. Color varies from purple, red, dark red to brownish red, often with alternating bands of yellow in between segments. Found in manure, compost heaps, and decaying vegetation where moisture levels are high.Frequently raised in culture on earthworm farms.


Surrounds, habitat.


To separate and to discharge waste.


To conduct research by manipulating variables to answer specific questions expressed as statements known as hypotheses.