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A liquid that tastes sour and smells somewhat sharp. Acids help dissolve rock and break down food. It is a normal product of decomposition. Redworms do best in a slightly acid soil (pH less than 7) environment. Below pH 5 can be toxic. Addition of pulverized egg shells and/or lime helps to neutralize acids in a worm bin.

pH scale


Exposure of a medium to air which allows exchange of gases.


Pertaining to the presence of free oxygen. Organisms that utilize oxygen to carry out life functions.


Mixture of atmospheric gases, including nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, and other gases in smaller quantities.


A protein in cocoons that serves as a food source for embryonic worms. Found in egg whites.


Pertaining to the absence of free oxygen. Organisms that can grow without oxygen present.


A living being capable of sensing its environment and moving about. Animals live by eating the bodies of other organisms, whether plant or animal.


Term for a member of the Phylum Annelida containing segmented worms.


Toward the front.


Living in or upon water.

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