What you’ll learn

You will learn how to produce and use vermicompost to obtain the nutrients needed by agricultural products.

Key achievements

  • Explains vermicomposting and its importance for a sustainable environment.

  • Explains the terms and terminology related to vermicompost production.

  • Compares vermicompost production methods.

  • Classifies the advantages and disadvantages of vermicompost production methods over each other.

  • Explains the role of earthworms in vermicompost production.

  • Explains the importance of substrate type for the vital functions of earthworms.

  • Analyzes the contribution of the substrate type to the composition of the final product, vermicompost.

  • Illustrate the key parameters in the design of the living environment (beds) of earthworms.

  • Plans the basic processes of vermicompost production.

  • Classifies abiotic and biotic parameters affecting vermicompost production.

  • Explains how to harvest vermicompost.

  • Explains the importance of vermicompost for plants and soil.

  • Explains the economic benefits of vermicomposting.

  • Designs the requirements for the vermicompost production facility.

  • Explains the current state of the market in vermicompost production as a commercial activity.

  • Compares legal regulations and incentives for vermicompost production in different countries.

  • Explains the functions, advantages and disadvantages of plant nutrients.

Last modified: Friday, 19 April 2024, 1:14 PM